In this post I’ll discuss the process of moving the content and the files from my wife’s WordPress site to the Strapi system I setup in the previous post. I threw this together mostly in one afternoon, so it’s very crude, and very much tailored to her site and content. You might be able to re-use parts of it, feel free, it’s on GitHub.
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- 2020
Installing strapi on Ubuntu 18.04 (with MySQL, Nginx, S3 file uploads and database backups)

In this post, I document my step by step install of strapi on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine, using MySQL, Nginx, Amazon S3 file uploads, S3 database backups, and touch-free automated deployments.
Setting up strapi
is a first step in migrating my wife’s site & blog from WordPress to a Headless CMS, and re-designing it using a static site generator.