A couple days ago, I launched a “Good Reads” section on this blog, where I could quickly capture some bookmarks for blogs I read using Google Reader. I wrote a couple PHP pages to capture the URL, Title and Blog RSS Feed source using a simple GET command, and then display them using the nice jquery plugin jquery.dataTables.js on a WordPress page.
It occurred to me, I might also just want to bookmark other pages as well, not just from Google Reader. So that’s when I thought about writing an extension.
Wow, I was very surprised! Chrome makes it super easy to write browser extensions. In 20 minutes I had a little bookmarker extension in place.
Here’s how it works.
The Code
Create 3 files in a folder of your choice:
- index.html
- index.js
- manifest.json
function sendSelection(i, t) { var url = i.linkUrl ? i.linkUrl: i.pageUrl; var title = i.selectionText; sendTo(url,title); } function sendPage(i, t) { var url = i.url; var title = i.title; sendTo(url,title); } function sendTo(u, t) { var str = 'Would you like to bookmark the selection: \n'; str += '- URL: ' + u + '\n'; str += '- Title: ' + t + '\n'; if(confirm(str)) { var sendToUrl = "https://www.mattjcowan.com/wp-admin/good-read.php?u=" + u + "&t=" + t + "&s=chrome&v=2"; chrome.tabs.create({"url": sendToUrl }); }; } var contexts = ["page","selection"]; for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) { var context = contexts[i]; var title = "Send '" + context + "' to mattjcowan.com"; if(context == 'selection') { chrome.contextMenus.create({"title": title, "contexts":[context], "onclick": sendSelection}); }; if(context == 'page') { chrome.contextMenus.create({"title": title, "contexts":[context], "onclick": sendPage}); }; }
<script src="index.js"></script>
{ "name": "Send To (mattjcowan.com)", "description": "Sends the page information to mattjcowan.com", "version": "0.1", "permissions": ["contextMenus","tabs"], "background_page": "index.html", "content_security_policy": "default-src 'self'" }
And there you go.
The Extension
Navigate in your Chrome browser to “chrome://extensions”, and upload your new extension:
The Result
Now, using a simple “Right-click”, I can quickly post a link or page to my “Good Reads” section of the blog.
And it magically appears in my bookmarks: